The Hidden Costs of Easter: How Celebrating Could Result in a £5000 Vet Bill

Tom Stone
Authored by Tom Stone
Posted: Saturday, March 30, 2024 - 08:00

Dog experts at Kennel Store are urging dog owners to be aware of potentially toxic ingredients common at Easter that risk poisoning their furry friend after chocolate toxicity cases spiked by 236% last April. 

Chocolate, which is a common treat at Easter, can be fatal to dogs, leading to sickness, fits or even death, and treatment for accidental poisoning can cost anywhere up to £5,000 or even more. 

As the cost of living crisis continues to impact 48% of dog owners, Kennel Store have provided the following infographic to quickly spot dangerous substances that could poison their pet, including symptoms and the steps to follow in case of emergency.

Dog experts at Kennel Store had this to say:

“Treating accidental poisoning in dogs is one of the most costly veterinary services, potentially resulting in a £5,000 bill or even more. Dogs often experience the world through their mouths, tasting anything and everything, so leaving Easter eggs, grapes, or even lilies in front of your dog can lead to severe health problems that require emergency care. This can be a significant financial burden for those already struggling to afford basic living expenses due to the cost of living crisis.


Symptoms that a dog may have ingested something toxic include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Coordination issues
  • Diarrhoea or vomiting
  • Increased thirst
  • Internal bleeding
  • Involuntary urinating
  • Kidney failure
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weakness or lethargy


Be aware that symptoms may not appear in your dog for several hours or even days. Therefore, if you have witnessed your pet consume something toxic, or suspect that they have, you must seek veterinary assistance immediately, even if your dog seems unaffected. Efficient medical attention can be life-saving for the well-being of your pet.”

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