Warning against sharing a bed with pets
Pet owners have been warned sleeping with their pets could expose them to harmful parasites and bugs.
Sleep experts at WinstonsBeds.com have revealed six reasons why sleeping with pets can harm health.
Research shows that over 75% of dog owners allow their pets to sleep in their bed with them, proving co-sleeping is a popular practice. Unfortunately for pet owners who enjoy cuddling up to their furry friends, there are risks including the increased risk of illness from the bugs, parasites and bacteria they carry. Co-sleeping with pets has also been found to trigger allergies, and breathing near their fur could significantly worsen allergies.
Rebecca Swain, a sleep expert at WinstonsBeds.com said: "Pet owners who enjoy cuddling up to their furry friends will likely be gutted to know that there are a range of risks associated with co-sleeping. Although pet owners may enjoy sleeping with their furry companions, it is important to beware of the potential risks to both owner and pet.
"Unfortunately there will always be risks when sleeping with a pet, including the obvious risk of biting, and potential health complications. Co-sleeping with a pet could also increase the risk of owners catching parasites and other harmful bacteria, sot pet parents should do their research before snuggling up."
The risks of letting your pet sleep in your bed, according to WinstonsBeds.com
- Germ exposure
Although some germs can help with immunity in humans, pets can still carry harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses which can put people at risk if co-sleeping. Sharing a bed with a pet means a higher exposure rate and a higher chance of contracting harmful germs.
- Infections
Avoid sleeping with your pet if you have an open wound. Some of the germs they carry can make your injury more prone to infection. Although it's rare, it is possible to get sick from a pet because illnesses spread through close contact like sleeping in the same bed.
- Allergies
Exposure to pets during sleep could trigger and significantly worsen allergies and asthma, especially if they have been running around in pollen, dirt and grass and have brought the particles into the bed.
- Biting
Pets, particularly dogs, may be more likely to bite if they are abruptly woken up in their sleep, which can be particularly dangerous when children are around.
- Bugs and parasites
Sharing the bed with a pet can increase the risk of transferring parasites and bugs that sit on the dog's skin and fur. Bugs and parasites like ticks, which are especially common in the UK, can increase the risk of Lyme disease which can be detrimental to people with a weakened immune system. If a pet is infected with fleas, it could also lead to lots of itchy bites in humans.
- Pets overheating
If pets sleep in bed with their owners they could overheat, which is extremely dangerous, especially for dogs. The risk is higher if the dog likes to snuggle under the covers and blankets, so it should be avoided at all costs.