Prevent antifreeze poisoning this winter, says PDSA
Leading vet charity, PDSA, is warning motorists to clear up any anti-freeze spills as they prepare their cars for winter. The solution is highly toxic to animals if ingested.
PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing explains: "Ethylene glycol is the active component in antifreeze, and is extremely poisonous for anyone, animal or human, who swallows it. It can also be found in screenwash, brake and radiator fluids, and if ingested it can cause severe damage to the kidneys and nervous system. Sadly, even in tiny amounts it's often fatal for our pets, unless vet treatment is given extremely quickly. If you think your pet may have swallowed any, contact your vet straight away, don't wait for symptoms to appear."
The charity for pets in need is urging motorists to be careful as they prepare their vehicles for the cold season, and to clean up any spills of these liquids immediately. Where available, try to buy products based on propylene glycol as this is non-toxic. PDSA vets have also put together advice for pet owners on how to spot the signs, and what to do if you suspect your pet has swallowed a toxic substance.
According to PDSA vets, signs of anti-freeze poisoning in pets can include:
- Twitchy muscles
- Twitchy eyes
- Low energy
- Vomiting
- Drinking more than usual
- Unsteadiness
- Seizures (fits)
- Fast, panty breathing
- If you spot any of these signs, or you suspect your pet has swallowed antifreeze, contact your vet immediately. Don't wait for symptoms to develop – the quicker they get help, the better their chance of survival.
PDSA treated nearly 40 cases of anti-freeze poisoning in 2023 and cats are particularly susceptible to this, warns Nina: "Cats are often outdoors unsupervised, unlike dogs. So although the fluid is equally toxic to both species, anti-freeze toxicity is more frequently seen in cats as owners don't see them drink it. Sadly, by the time there are any symptoms to see, it can often be too late."
According to the Veterinary Poisons Information Service, who provide advice for the vet profession on treating cases of poisoning, over a fifth of all poisoning cases related to anti-freeze reported annually occur in December and January.
Pets suffering from anti-freeze toxicity will require intensive care. They may need to have their stomach emptied, and will be given intravenous fluids and medications to try and stop the effects of the toxin, and flush it from their blood stream. The pet's fur may also need to be washed if they have got the solution on them, to prevent them from swallowing more. Even if pets survive, they often have permanent damage to their kidneys.
Nina adds: "Prevention is always better than cure, so be very vigilant in the cold months. Try to keep cats local to home so you can monitor the area for dangers, keep a close eye on dogs and avoid letting them roam near garages and parked cars. Keep an eye out for spillages and clear up any you find."
For more advice on keeping pets safe this winter, visit www.pdsa.org.uk/wintersafety
PDSA is the vet charity for pets in need, providing a vital service for pets across the UK whose owners struggle to afford treatment costs for their sick and injured pets. For many vulnerable pets, PDSA is there to help when there is nowhere else for their owners to turn. Support from players of People's Postcode Lottery helps us reach even more pet owners with vital advice and information.