Best dog food brands UK

Close Up Shot of a Dog Eating

Vet reveals the popular dog food brands you should avoid feeding your dog

With so many brands to compare, it can be confusing to know what to look out for in ingredients lists, particularly if your dog has a sensitive tummy, an allergy or falls into the puppy or senior category.

To save dog owners the hard work, the in-house veterinary surgeon at Pooch & Mutt , Dr Linda Simon, has weighed in on some of the UK's most popular dog food brands to see what...

Jack Russell Terrier Dog Eat A Raw Bone

Reasons to consider feeding your pet raw dog food

We know you love your dog, but have you ever thought about what you’re feeding it with?

In the past few years the interest in alternative diets such as the keto or the paleo diet has risen. With heart and circulatory disease being in the top 5 causes of death in the UK and obesity being a worldwide health concern , the trend is to seek new and more natural ways of nurturing our...