Dog owners

Three in 10 pet owners feed their dogs toxic foods

  • Canine Cottages has teamed up with an expert to uncover toxic foods that Brits may be feeding their dogs, with advice on what to do if your pet consumes toxic treats
  • Nearly 30% of pooch parents admit to feeding their pet something toxic without knowing
  • Interactive tool showcases the effects of these toxic foods on our dog's bodies

Nearly three in 10...

Over 6 Million Dogs in the UK are Severely Affected by Owners forced into Self Isolation

  • 59% of dog owners are worried about how they would care for their dog if pinged
  • 45% are more concerned about the mental and physical impact of isolation on their dog than themselves
  • 48% have been creating at home dog workouts during isolation
  • 54% of dog owners are unclear of self-isolation guidance

A whopping 51% of dogs in the UK have...

Albus on a Beach Day

Devon is the Second Most Dog-Friendly Region for UK Beaches

As people look forward to the easing of lockdown restrictions, many will be looking to book a staycation with their pooches. But which popular seaside location is the most dog-friendly?

As part of their Dog-Friendly Beaches, campaign researchers at Uswitch have crunched the numbers to reveal Devon as the second most dog-friendly seaside destination in the UK. Along with this, Wendy...