Keeping dogs safe at Easter

Vets issue urgent warning to pet owners ahead of Easter weekend - with just a handful of Cadbury’s Mini Eggs enough to be life-threatening for your dog

Just six Cadbury's Mini Eggs or one small chocolate egg could be enough to cause harm to your dog this Easter weekend, vets have warned.

The UK's leading emergency vets, Vets Now, has revealed that they saw a 95% increase in cases over the Easter weekend, with an 85% increase in chocolate-related cases compared to the previous week.

With Easter fast approaching, many of us...

PDSA Weekly Pet Care Column: Vet Nurse’s Easter chocolate warning

We know that with Easter, there comes lots of Easter eggs and other delicious chocolatey treats. Whilst we may all like to indulge in some chocolate goodies, it is in fact toxic for dogs, cats and rabbits.

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing shares the need to knows about chocolate safety this Easter for pet owners.

Nina says: "Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine,...

Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, gives eggs-pert advice on how to have a dog-friendly Easter, having four-legged fun but keeping dogs away from chocolate which is poisonous to them

With the bank holiday Easter weekend fast approaching, Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, is reminding dog owners to keep chocolate out of reach of our four-legged friends.

As Easter eggs and other tasty cocoa treats find their way into homes, the charity hopes to raise awareness of the risk that the consumption of chocolate poses to our canine companions.


Hot Cross Buns: Dog Experts Warn Of Canine Fatalities As Easter Approaches

With Easter fast approaching households across the UK are preparing to indulge in decadent feasts. Careless consumption, however, can pose a potentially fatal danger to our four-legged friends.

Last year, Hattie, a Bernese Mountain Dog, almost died after pinching her owner’s hot cross bun. Raisins, currants and sultanas - all common ingredients of a hot cross bun - can be toxic to...

Vet shares warning against dangerous Easter hazards from Chocolate to Roast Dinners

With Easter fast approaching, many of us will spend time with loved ones, indulge in chocolate and enjoy Springtime activities. However, this can be a particularly dangerous time for pets, and owners must be cautious as it poses a risk to their health and well-being, even from unexpected sources.

If you're unsure how to keep your pets safe this Easter, here are 5 tips recommended by...

Hot cross buns

Pet expert urges owners to keep hot cross buns out of paws reach this Easter

Easter is a time full of celebrations for the whole family, and it's a great opportunity to spend some quality time with your pet, especially as this year Easter marks the change to British Summer Time, bringing an extra hour of light. As pet parents across the country will look to make the most of the welcomed sunshine, when going on daily walks and attending Easter celebrations like egg...