Laws on microchipping

A kitten on a vet's table

What to do if you find a stray cat — plus the £5,000 mistake to avoid

New UK legislation has made it mandatory for all cat owners to microchip their pets. The rule, which came into effect just this year, is intended to make it easier for lost or stray cats to be reunited with their owners. If an owner is found to not have their cat microchipped, they could face a £500 fine if one is not inserted within 21 days. Here, the experts from Catit explain what this...

Cats Protection welcomes new laws on microchipping

Cats Protection has welcomed Government plans for compulsory microchipping of pet cats.

The UK's largest cat charity, which has campaigned for years for the measure, says the new regulations will be a major step forward for cat welfare in England.

With the charity's research showing that 26% of all pet cats in the UK are not currently microchipped – a total of 2.8 million...