Vets advice

Do dogs need boots for the snow? Vet uncovers the truth…

Dog owners may be wondering whether their dog needs boots to protect their paws from snow and ice, as well as other hazards such as road salt during the chiller winter months.

Head Vet at Sean McCormack is advising dog owners to use alternative methods of protecting their pets paw pads, as this trending product can cause discomfort.

Please find the...

Should dogs wear Christmas jumpers?

For humans, noticing that a jumper is irritating simply results in some half-hearted scratching and then removing the item of clothing. However, for dogs, the reality of wearing clothing is not so simple: dogs have no way of communicating whether their skin is being irritated or not, along with having no way to remove clothing that is placed onto them.

There are many fabrics that...

Blue green algae

Vets issue blue green algae warning to pet owners

The UK’s leading pet emergency vets are issuing a warning today about blue green algae, a bacteria found in bodes of water like ponds, which is highly toxic to dogs.

Vets Now , the pet equivalent of A&E, is calling on pet owners to take care when walking their dogs near water this summer and to look out for the green, blue green or brown coloured scum or foam.

It comes...