One in six Brits let their pets lick their plates clean!

One in six Brits let their pets lick their plates clean!

  • Wren Kitchens has conducted research into the UK's attitudes towards pets in the kitchen, as well as looking at how much Brits are spending on pet food
  • Almost one in ten Brits (9%) spend more on pet food than they do on their own household food
  • Almost a quarter (24%) of UK pet owners allow their animals to sit with them at the dinner table
  • One in six (15%) even let their pets lick their plate clean
  • You can find the UK map and more high-res pet imagery here 

With search terms such as 'raw pet supplies' (150%) and 'dog food' (160%) seeing a huge increase in searches over the past 12 months, Wren Kitchens has conducted research into the UK's attitudes towards pets in the kitchen and how much on average they're spending on pet food.

Being the additional members of our family, Brits also have the opportunity to create special pet areas within their kitchen designs to ensure that they're even more well cared for in the kitchen.

The Cities Spending The Most On Their Pets

Spending £543 on pet food each year, the research highlighted that almost one in ten Brits (9%) spend more on pet food than they do on household food.

A further 12% of Brits went on to admit that they spend the same amount on their pet as they do on their household food.

Breaking down the study by UK city, it was Liverpool that came out on top as the location that spends the most, with an average of £52 being spent on pet food every month.


Average monthly spends on pet food





















Pets In The Kitchen
Brits love to spend quality time with their pets, but how has all this bonding impacted their attitudes to what they will and won't allow pets to do in the kitchen? Well, nearly a quarter (24%) of UK pet owners allow their animals to sit with them at the dinner table.

Not only do Brits enjoy sitting with their pets at mealtimes, but the research also revealed that more than a quarter (27%) of Brits allowed their pets to eat their leftovers, with one in six (15%) even letting their pets lick their plate clean.

When it comes to cooking in the kitchen, Brits are not leaving their animals out. In fact, the study showed that 24% of UK pet owners feed their animals home cooked food and one in ten (10%) Brits eat exactly the same meal as their that's puppy love!

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